Building the city near a source of fresh water will also improve your city health. Food resources such as wheat and fish also increase the health of your cities, and they are tradable just like the luxury and strategic resources in Civilization III. Some city improvements reduce the health of city, while some city improvements increase the health. For example, instead of pollution, Civilization IV will have a city health system. Below we will briefly discuss some of the key features: Healthįiraxis is replacing the unfun elements such as corruption, riots, and pollution in previous civ games with better systems.

Firaxis has built the game from the ground up and added lots of interesting new features to make the game even more fun to play. Of course, graphics is not the only area that received an overhaul. Fans who missed the Civ2 wonder movies will be happy to know that wonder movies are making a return in Civilization IV! There are about 45 movies total in Civ4. All city improvements and wonders are now directly visible on the map, so if you build the Pyramid, it will appear within that city’s radius. You will also be able to smoothly zoom in from a rotating global view all the way down to the city level, as well as change the camera angle to a Civ2 style isometric view or a Civ1 style top-down view. Rivers, resources, and terrain improvements are all animated, making the map come alive like never before. The most prominent change from previous civilization games is the graphics. Firaxis began working on the title about two years ago.

The game is developed by Firaxis Games and is published by 2K Games on October 25, 2005. Civilization IV is the latest installment in the award-winning Sid Meier’s Civilization series.